The Trust is based around the conservation of the art works, writings/books on history, memoirs, poetry, teaching, and philosophy and spiritual guides of Stephen Ben Cox. And all this is now contained within the established charity to develop and maintain the garden he has created and the advancement of education in horticulture and conservation.
From these as a source, the Trust aims to encourage spiritual well-being, cultural understanding and educational enrichment amongst people. It is anticipated that this will be done by various means including:
(i) promotion, publication, exhibition and conservation of his life's works (art; writings; teaching; philosophy; memoirs; courses; history research; etc.)
(ii) scholarships and courses.
(iii) projects of research.
(iv) reviews, promotion of books & projects by other publishers and scholars.
(v) library/collection.
(vi) a Society of members/supporters/students, and a Council of Friends
All work and activities of the Trust are non-profit and charitable, for the public good and historical conservation. The Trust is very strictly non-political and is not aligned with or part of any other organisation.
Conserving the Collections and promoting his life's work.
Stephen B. Cox has spent his life as an artist (a painter and sculptor, also holding many one-man exhibitions across the UK); a writer of many books and theses and nearly 2000 articles/essays (on subjects such as as history, folklore, freemasonry, heritage, ancient sites, spirituality, ancient religions, philosophy, and tradition) ; building up a unique library of over ten thousand books and manuscripts related to these matters (to which many publishers and individuals have donated books); developing a garden of spirituality and meditation and nature harmony; and to teaching and helping people to enable lives of harmony, spirituality, tolerance and peace along the lines of his 'guides for spiritual living'.
He has served the community locally and nationally in the realms of: community arts; European heritage; visual artists Copyright law; Freemasonry; local history; English folklore/music & traditions; state education; artist apprenticeship schemes; initiating programmes for art in public places, and by offering & running scholarships & placements for young people from across the UK and Europe .He has served as a representative in two professional & trades unions in the UK and also co-founded The Wessex Artists Union. He served on his local Neighbourhood Action Group (NAG) when it was first established by the Police. He has been involved in crime fighting & home security (and also runs two websites on this). He also founded (in June 2000) and ran a Neighbourhood Watch scheme in Berkshire until 2011 then founded and then founded (and now runs) another one in Wiltshire from 2011. He also organises Police Surgeries for the local community.
In 2011 he became an Independent Police Custody Visitor with the Thames Valley Police Authority, joining a team inspecting the designated police custody suites in the Thames Valley. In 2012 he transferred to Wiltshire Police Authority (now the Office of the Police & Crime Commissioner).
Having lived in Reading for 35 years he then moved to rural Wiltshire which has brought increased peace and creativity. Conservation of The Collections is also better served there. An immensely larger garden will now permit development of the various spiritual and nature themes prevalent in his philosophy.
He now wishes to conserve and better manifest these collections, works and teachings for the benefit of others and to be an ongoing testament and facility in the years to come, including after his death.
In a more private capacity he is pleased to support The Woodland Trust; The Ramblers Association; The Royal Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals, and The Council for the Protection of Rural England by becoming a Lifetime Member of all of these. He is now retired due to ill health. His elderly mother, for whom he was a part-time carer for many years, has recently died.. He now lives in seclusion. He does not give interviews or attend public functions.
He is laying the ground work for launching a private study society for North Wiltshire History. He is also designing a website on North Wiltshire history, legends and folklore and so far he has written on over 32 subjects with another 50+ in the pipeline. Additionally he has just launched a Wildlife Study Group for local villages in his area, and writes a monthly article for the parish magazine alternating between local history and wildlife.
The Trust was established as a registered charity in August 2017. This is supervised by a Board of Trustees.
Stephen Cox Garden- 'the secret suite of rooms'
A significant and unusual garden has been developed from a small field. This was accepted by the National Gardens Scheme and 2016 was the first year of opening.
The garden includes Educational Facilities (Scholarships; Assistantships; Workshops; Tours; Training programmes etc). There is also a Garden Library.
Various Community schemes and projects are in operation.
There are also three open days (the first three Sundays of July each) when funds are raised by Stephen for the NGS nursing charities and also for local causes.