The Library began as the personal book collection of Stephen Cox many years ago, based around art, art history, architecture, history. Books on other subjects reflecting his love of and commitment to European heritage, tradition and civilisation were then gradually added. In the period 1992-2005 the library was also extended by donations from many students and scholars and publishers, as well as a substantial amount by the founder.
In recent years the Library has been reconstituted and dramatically extended by Stephen Cox. In particular the Departments on Folklore; Folk Song; Folk Dance; Freemasonry, Renaissance Symbolism & Philosophy, History of Art and Architecture, Hermetics, English Language history development & dialects, Anthroposophy, and Alchemy, have been created and expanded by the Founder.
Current Situation:
The Library, having been neglected for 5 years, and then moved to the county of Wiltshire in late 2011, is now slowly going through a major overhaul, and inventory updating process. This will take a year or so.
Also new subject/shelf dividers are being constructed with printed subject labels, and a major programme and adding more bookcases to cope with donations and expansion of the library.
New Subjects (2013/14)
The Library is constantly expanding and additional subjects/ and sub-themes being added. Recent extensions include:
English Place Names; The English Village. English Mummer Plays; English Dialects. The Invisible College/Royal Society, Sacred Geometry, Folk Tales; History of the English Language; Morris Dancing. . Patrons of the Renaissance. History of the English Language., North Wiltshire History. C.G.Jung. Steiner/Anthroposophy. Teilhard/Dobzhansky. Symbolism/Archetypes/Individuation. Blavatsky/Theosophy. Masonic Mythology. Gurdjieff/P.D.Ouspensky. Roscicrucian. Renaissance Artists. Architecture Symbolic/Hermetic. The Renaissance.
New subjects Oct.2014:
D1c3: History- Hittites; D1c4:History- Sumer; D1c5: History- Babylon.
V6: Alternative History/Mystery- General; V7: Alternative History/Mystery-Egypt.
E6b: Evolution-Language; E6c: Evolution-Homo Britannicus ; E9:Evolutuon- Genes.
Trust & Library Journal: An electronic journal for the Trust is being created which will be sent out monthly (initially quarterly) to all our Donors, Students, Sponsors, Council of Friends, Researchers, Trustees, etc.
Donor publishers
The first publisher to have been re-established is Floris Books . Since then, the State University of New York Press; Princeton University Press; and University of Washington have also joined us.
Library Updates
The latest items to be added to the Trust library are as follows:
113 Items added period ending 24 November 2014.
9845. Guide to Freshwater Fish (P.S.Maitland/K.Linsell). Philips.2006. 272p. donor: S.B.Cox (G)
9846. Britain’s Freshwater Fishes (Mark Everard) Wild Guides. 2013. 144pages. donor: S.B.Cox (G)
9847. Coldwater Fishes (Dick Mills) Salamander. 1984. 116pages. donor: S.B.Cox (G)
9848. Coldwater Fishkeeping (Andrew Eade) Ring Press. 1999. 79pages. donor: S.B.Cox (G)
9849. Encyclopaedia of Aquarium & Pond Fish (D.Alderton). D.K. 2011. 400. donor: S.B.Cox (G)
9850. World Freshwater Fish/River Creatures (Gilpin/Schmid-Araya).Hermes’11.256p. donor: S.B.Cox (G)
9851. Symbols & Allegories in Art (Mathilde Battistini). Getty. 2004. 384pages. donor: S.B.Cox (H5c)
9852. Secret Power of Masonic Symbols (Robert Lomas) Fair Winds. 2011. 272p. donor: SBCox (H5c)
9853. English Fairy Tales & Legends (Rosalind Krven) National Trust. 2008. 198p. donor: S.B.Cox (C16)
9854. Henge World (Mike Pitts) Arrow. 2001. 409pages. donor: S.B.Cox (D4)
9855. The Swerve-How The Renaissance Began (S. Greenblatt) Vintage. 2012.356p. donor:SBC(B6c)
9856. The Classical Heritage (R.R.Bolgar) Cambridge Univ. 1958. 492p. donor: S.B.Cox (B6c)
9857. Life of Joseph Smith (F.M.Brodie) Vintge. 1995. 520p donor: S.B.Cox (H1)
9858. Lost Symbols-Secrets of Washington DC(D.Ovason) Arrow.2009.636p donor: S.B.Cox (B1b8)
9859. Secret Language Churches & Cathedrals (R.Stemp) DBP 2010. 224p donor: S.B.Cox (B5b)
9860. Egypt: Tachnology/Medicene/Maths/Astronomy (ed.J.Hall). 2014. 206p. donor: SB.Cox (D1c1)
9861. The Oxford History of Ancient Egypt (I.Shaw) Oxford Univ. 2003. 525p donor: S.B.Cox (D1c1)
9862. Rose & Fall of Ancient Egypt (T.Wilkinson) Bloomsbury. 2010. 646p donor: S.B.Cox (D1c1)
9863. Aliens in Ancient Egypt (X.Haze) Bear. 2013. 296p donor: S.B.Cox (V6)
9864. Ancient Egypt 39,000bce (E.F.Malkowski) Bear. 2010. 299p. donor: S.B.Cox (V6)
9865. The Sphinx Mystery (R. & O.Temple) Inner Traditions. 2009. 565p. donor: S.B.Cox (V6)
9866. The Orion Mystery (R.Bauval/A.Gilbert) Manmdarin. 1994. 350p. donor: S.B.Cox (V6)
9867. Egypt’s Nile Is Alive (E.Dixon) 1st.World. 2013. 400p. donor: S.B.Cox (V6)
9868. The Sirius Connection (M.Hope) Element. 1997. 251p. donor: S.B.Cox (V6)
9869. The Pyramid Quest (R.M.Schoch/R.A.McNally) Tarcher. 2005. 368p. donor: S.B.Cox (V6)
9870. Lost Technologies of Ancient Egypt (C.Dunn) Bear. 2010. 357p. donor: S.B.Cox (V6)
9871. The Secret of the Hittites (C.W.Ceram) Phoenix. 1956. 292p. donor: S.B.Cox (D1c3)
9872. The Hittites & Their World (B.J.Collins) S.B.L. 2004. 257p donor: S.B.Cox (D1c3)
9873. The Hittites-People of a 1000 Gods (Collins) 1977. 317p donor: S.B.Cox (D1c3)
9874. The Hittites-Story of a Forgotten Empire (A.H.Sayce) Elibron. 2005. 168p donor: SBCox (D1c3)
9875. Hattusha- Day in Life of Hittites Capital (J.Seeher) Yalinlari. 2011. 196p donor: S.B.Cox (D1c3)
9876. A-Z of the Hittites (C.Burney) Sacxrecrow. 2010. 365p. donor: S.B.Cox (D1c3)
9877. The Hittites And Their Contemporaries (J.G.Macqueen). T&H. 2013. 176p donor: S.B.Cox (D1c3)
9878. ForbiddenHistory-Prehist.Tech/Origins/ETs (ed.J.D.Kenyon) Bear.2005.232p donor: SBCox (V7)
9879. Forgotten Civilisation (R.M.Schoch) Inner Tradition. 2012. 355p donor: S.B.Cox (V7)
9880. Peoples of the Sea (I.Velikovsky) Book Club. 1977. 261p donor: S.B.Cox (V7)
9881. The Minoan World (Arthur Cotterell) M.Jospeph. 1979. 191p. donor: S.B.Cox (D1a2)
9882. Minoan Crete- Mart/Religion/.Palaces (L.I.Hatzifoti) M.Toubis. 2005. 125. donor: SBCox (D1a2)
9883. The Destruction of Knossos (H.E.L. Mellersh) Barnes & Noble.1970. 205p donor:S.B.Cox (D1a2)
9884. The Bull of Minos (Leonard Cotterell) Sutton. 2003. 254p. donor: S.B.Cox (D1a2)
9885. Minoan Civilisation (S.Alexiou) Heraklion. 1969. 182p. donor: S.B.Cox (D1a2)
9886. Spiritual Techn Ancient Egypt (E.F.Malkowski) Inner Traditions. 2007. 426p donor: SBCox (V6)
9887. The Ancient Giants Who Ruled America (R.J.Dewhurst) Bear. 2014. 357p donor: S.B.Cox (V7)
9888. Before Atlantis- 20 Million Yrs Human Culture (R.Joseph) Bear. 2013. 312p. donor: SBCox (V7)
9889. From The Ashes of Angels-Fallen race Legacy (A.Collins) Signet. 448p. donor: S.B.Cox (V7)
9890. Genesis Revisited- Prehistoric Sciences (Z.Sitchin) Avon. 1990. 343p. donor: S.B.Cox (V7)
9891. The Gods of Eden (W.Bramley) Avon. 1993. 505p. donor: S.B.Cox (V7)
9892. Ages In Chaos (I.Velikovsky) Sidgwick & Jackson. 1977. 350p. donor: S.B.Cox (V7)
9893. Ramses II & His Time (I.Velikovsky) Sidgwick & Jackson. 1978. 270p. donor: S.B.Cox (V7)
9894. Dawn of Genius-Minoan Super Civilisation (A.Butler)Watkins.2104.234p donor: SB.Cox (D1a2)
9895. Lost Empire of Atlantis (G.Menzies) Swordfish. 2010. 374p. donor: S.B.Cox (D1a2)
9896. The Lost Civilization Enigma (P. Coppens) New Page. 2013. 319.p donor: S.B.Cox (V7)
9897. Civilization One Prehistoric Measurement (C.Knight) Watkins. 2010. 258. donor: S.B.Cox (V7)
9898. The Secret History of the World (J.Black) Quercus. 2008. 603p. donor: S.B.Cox (V7)
9899. The Velikovsky Heresies (L.Scranton) Bear. 2012. 152p donor: S.B.Cox (V7)
9900. Forbidden Religion-Suppressed Heresies (ed.J,D.Kenyon) Bear.2006. 308p donor: S.B.Cox (V7)
9901. Maps of the Ancient Sea Kings (C.Hapgood) Adventures Unlimited 1996.316p donor: SBC (V7)
9902, Lost Race of the Giants (P.Chouinard) Bear. 2013. 200p. donor: S.B.Cox (V7)
9903. Secret Chamber- Hall of Records Quest (R.Bauvall) Century.1999. 433p. donor: S.B.Cox (V7)
9904. Before The Pharaohs (E.F.Malkowski) Bear. 2006. 324p donor: S.B.Cox (V7)
9905. Atlantis & Other Lost Worlds (Frank Joseph) Arcturus. 2014. 384p donor: S.B.Cox (U1b)
9906. Before The Pyramids (C.Knight & A.Butler) Watkins. 2011. 271p. donor: S.B.Cox (V6)
9907. From Atlantis To The Sphinx (Colin Wilson) Virgin. 1996. 415p. donor: S.B.Cox (U1b)
9908. The Lost Colonies of Ancient America (F.Joseph). New Page. 2014. 314p donor: S.B.Cox (V7b)
9909. Genes Giants Monsters & Men (J.P.Farrell) Feral House. 2011. 245p donor: S.B.Cox (V7)
9910. Atlantis The Antediluvian World (Ignatius Donnelly) Amazon. 265p donor: S.B.Cox (U1b)
9911. The Atlantis Encyclopaedia (Frank Joseph) Nw Page. 2005. 312p. donor: S.B.Cox (U1b)
9912. Forbidden Science (ed.J.Douglas Kenyon) Bear. 2008. 310p donor: S.B.Cox (V7)
9913. Britain:1 Million Yrs of Humans (R.Dinnis/C.Stringer). Nat.Hist.2014. 150p donor: S.B.Cox (E6c)
9914. Homo Britannicus (Chris.Stringer) Penquin. 2006. 242p. donor: S.B.Cox (E6c)
9915. The Origins of the British (Stephen Oppenheimer). Robinso. 2007. 628p. donor: S.B.Cox (E6c)
9916. The Tribes of Britain (David Miles). Phoenix. 2006. 495p donor: S.B.Cox (E6c)
9917. The Singing Neanderthals (S.Mithen) Phoernix. 2005. 374p. donor: S.B.Cox (E6b)
9918. The Mind In The Cave (D. Lewis-Williams) Thames & Hudson. 2014. 320p. donor: S.B.Cox (E6b)
9919. Lone Survivors (C.Stringer) St.Martins Griffin. 2012. 520p donor: S.B.Cox (E6b)
9920. Prehistory-Making of Modern Mind (C.Renfrew). Phoenix. 2007. 254p donor: S.B.Cox (E6b)
9921. Adam’s Curse-Futures Without Males (B.Sykes) Bantam. 2003. 310p donor: S.B.Cox (E6b)
9922. Complete World Human Evolution (C.Strnger/P.Andrews) T&H. 2011 240p donor: SBCox (E6b)
9923. Prehistory of the Mind (S.Mithen) Phoenix. 1996. 357p. donor: S.B.Cox (E6b)
9924. Blood of the British Isles (B.Sykes) Corgi. 2006. 363p donor: S.B.Cox (E6b)
9925. The Unfolding of Language (G.Deutscher). Arrow. 2005. 360p. donor: S.B.Cox (E6b)
9926. The Seven Daughters of Eve (B.Sykes). Corgi. 2001. 368p donor: S.B.Cox (E6b)
9927. Mysterious Origins of Hybrid Man (S.B.Martinez). Bear. 2013. 560p. donor: S.B.Cox (E6b)
9928. Humans Who Went Extinct (C.Finlayson) Oxford Univ. 2009. 271p donor: S.B.Cox (E6b)
9929. The Origin of Our Species (C.Stringer). Penquin. 2012. 33p. donor: S.B.Cox (E6b)
9930. Wessex A Literary Pilgrimage (P.Tolhurst). Black Dog. 1999. 264p donor: S.B.Cox (F)
9931. Saxons, Vikings & Celts (B.Sykes). Norton. 2006. 306p. donor: S.B.Cox (E6c)
9932. The Selfish Gene (R.Dawkins). Oxford Univ. 2006. 360p. donor: S.B.Cox (E6b)
9933. Sapiens: A Brief History of Mankind (Y.N.Harari) HarvillSeceker.2011.443p donor: S.B.Cox (E6b)
9934. The Neanderthal Legacy (S.Gooch). Inner Traditions.2008. 182p donor: S.B.Cox (E6b)
9935. Dream Culture of the Neanderthals (S.Gooch). Inner Traditions,2006. 262p. donor: SBCox (E6b)
9936. Vimana: Atlantis & India Aircraft (D.H.Childress) Adventures. 2004. 334p donor: S.B.Cox (U1b)
9937. Genome-Autobiography of a Species (Matt Ridley). Harper. 1999. 344p. donor: S.B.Cox (E9)
9938. Thge Blind Watchmaker (Richard Dawkins) Penguin. 1986. 340p donor: S.B.Cox (E9)
9939. The Greatest Show on Earth (R.Dawkins) Black Swan. 2009. 470p donor: S.B.Cox (E9)
9940. The God Delusion (R.Dawkins) Black Swan. 2006. 463p donor: S.B.Cox (E9)
9941. The Extended Phenotype (R.Dawkins) Oxford Univ. 1982. 314p donor: S.B.Cox (E9)
9942. The Ancestors Tale -Dawn of Life (R.Dawkins). Phoenix. 2004. 685p donor: S.B.Cox (E9)
9943. The Atlantis Blueprint (R.Flem-Ath/C.Wilson).Time Warner. 2000. 415p donor: S.B.Cox (U1b)
9944. History Begin At Sumer (S.N.Kramer) Penn Univ. 1982. 387p. donor: S.B.Cox (D1c4)
9945. Babylon/Mesopotamia Civilisation Birth (P.Kriwaczek).Atlantic.2010.310p donor:SBCox (D1c5)
9946. Rise & Fall of Babylon (A.Gill) Quercus. 2011. 192p. donor: S.B.Cox (D1c5)
9947. Forbidden Archaeology (M.Cremo/R.L.Thompson) Torchlight. 1993. 910p donor: S.B.Cox (V7)
9948. Technology of the Gods (D.H.Childress). Adventures Unlimited. 2000. 343p donor: SB.Cox (V7)
9949. The Masonic Myth-Symbols,Rites,History (J.Kinney).Harper. 2005. 265p donor: S.B.Cox (B1b8)
9950. Rise & Fall of the 3rd.Chmpanzee (J.Diamond) Vintage. 2002. 360p donor: S.B.Cox (E9)
9951. Domestication of the Human Species (P.J.Wilson) Yale Univ. 1988. 201p. donor: S.B.Cox (E6)
9952. In The Blood;God,Genes & Destiny (S.Jones) Flamingo. 1996. 302p donor: S.B.Cox (E9)
9953. Songs of Praise Nations Favourite Churches (A.Barr) Lion.2006. 128p donor: S.B.Cox (F)
9954. The Cave Painters (G.Curtis) Anchor. 2007. 278p donor: S.B.Cox (D4)
9955. Make Merry in Step and Song (B.Forbes) Llewellyn. 2009. 237p donor: S.B.Cox (F)
9956. Human Origins (Y.Coppens). Hatchette. 2004. 180p donor: Mrs. P.B.J.Cox (E1a)
9957..The Aquatic Ape (E.Morgan) Souvenir. 1997. 2005 donor:Mrs. P.B.J.Cox(E1a)
______________End of Update 96= 113 erntries ______________
Update #95: 119 Items added period ending 23 May 2014.
9727. The Story of English (Joseph Percy) Michael O’Mara Books. 2012.192page donor:S.B.Cox (F)
9728. Atlas of English Dialects (C.Upton/JDA Widdowson) Oxford Univ. 1996.193p donor:S.B.Cox (F)
9729. History of Morris Dancing 1458-1750 (J.Forrest) John Clarke. 1999. 439pages. donor:S.B.Cox (F)
9730. Pop Goes The Weasel- Secrets of Nursery Rhymes (A.Jack) Penquin. 2008. 202p donor:S.B.Cox (F)
9731. Dictionary of British Place Names (Ad.Mills) Oxford Univ. 2011. 532p donor:S.B.Cox (F)
9732. Green Men & White Swans-Pub Names Folkore (J.Simpson). Arrow. 2011. 354p. donor:S.B.Cox (F)
9733. Devonshire Folktales (M.Dacre) Histort Press. 2010. 190pages donor:S.B.Cox (F)
9734. Dialect in Wiltshire (M.Jones/P.Dillon) Wiltshire Council. 1987. 206pages. donor:S.B.Cox (F)
9735 Finding Merlin-Truth Behind The Legend A(. Adrey) Mainstream. 2012. 380p. donor:S.B.Cox (F)
9736. Talking For Britain–Journey Through Dialects (S.Elmes) Penquin. 2005. 334p donor:S.B.Cox (F)
9737. Oxfordshire Folk Tales (K.Manwaring) History Press. 2012. 223pages donor:S.B.Cox (F)
9738. Discovering English Folk Dance (H.Rippon) Shire. 1975. 96pages. donor:S.B.Cox (F)
9739. March Hares & Monkeys’ Uncles (H.Oliver) Metro. 2008. 258pages. donor:S.B.Cox (F)
9740. The Book of English Place Names (C.Taggart) Ebury. 2011. 304pages. donor:S.B.Cox (F)
9741. The Green Man in Britain (F.& G.Doel) History Press. 2004. 162pages. donor:S.B.Cox (F)
9742. Medieval Folklore (C.Lindahl/J.McNamar/J.Lindow) Oxford. 200. 470p. donor:S.B.Cox (F)
9743. Christmas Customs & Traditions (C.A.Miles) 1976. 400p. donor:S.B.Cox(F)
9944. A History of Chippenham-Alfred to Brunel (R.Baines) C.C.S. 2009. 160p donor:S.B.Cox (F)
9745. The Wiltshire Cotswolds (K.Watts) Hobnob. 2007. 290pages. donor:S.B.Cox (F)
9746. The Magic of Old Christmas (L.Raedish) Llewellyn. 2013. 281pages. donor:S.B.Cox (F)
9747. Tracing the History of Villages (T.Yorke) Countryside. 2001. 190pages. donor:S.B.Cox (F)
9748. Extracts From Meetinsg 1928-1945 (P.D.Ouspensky) Arkana. 1986. 218pages donor:S.B.Cox (H4c)
9749. Letters From Russia 1919 (P.D.Ouspensky) Arkana. 1978. 59pages. donor:S.B.Cox (H4c)
9750. Psychology of Mans Possible Evolution (P.D.Ouspensky) Vintage. 1974.128p donor:S.B.Cox (H4c)
9751. Eight Mummers Play (Alex Helm) Ginn. 1971. 72pages. donor:S.B.Cox (F)
9752. A New Model of the Universe (P.D.Ouspensky) Kessinger. 56pages. donor:S.B.Cox (H4c)
9753. Cosmology of Man’s Possible Evolution (PD.Ouspensky) Acora.1989.111p. donor:S.B.Cox (H4c)
9754. Basilica-Splendour & Scandal Building St.Peters (R.A.Scotti)Plume.2007.315p donor:S.B.Cox (B5b)
9755. The Rosslyn Hoax? (Robert L.D.Cooper) Lewis. 2006. 383pages. donor:S.B.Cox (B5b)
9756. The English Mummers & Their Plays (Alan Brody) Univ.Penslyvania.1969. 201p. donor:S.B.Cox (F)
9757. The English Village (Martin Wainwright) Michael o’Mara. 1992. 192pages. donor:S.B.Cox (F)
9758. Newton & Transmutation of Alchemy (P.A.Fanning) N.Atlantic. 2009. 247p. donor:S.B.Cox (B5a)
9759. Familiar To All:William Lilly & 17C.Astrology (D.Parker) Cape.1975. 272.p. donor:S.B.Cox (B5b)
9760. Tertium Organum (P.D.Ouspensky) Martinno. 2013. 338pages. donor:S.B.Cox (H4c)
9761. Meetings With Remarkable Men (G.Gurdjieff) Martinno. 210. 303p. donor:S.B.Cox (H4c)
9762. Reality of Being-Gurdjieff & $th.Way (J de Salzmann) Shambhala. 2011.312p. donor:S.B.Cox (H4c)
9763. In Search of P.D.Ouspensky (G.Lachamn) Quest.2006. 341p donor:S.B.Cox (H4c)
9764. Philosophy As An Approach To Spirit (R.Seddon)Temple Lodge.2005.140p. donor:SB.Cox (H4a)
9765. The Philosophy of Freedom (R.Steiner) Amazon. 1916/2011.168pages. donor:S.B.Cox (H4a)
9766. Dont Forget- Ouspenskys Self Remembering (B.Hunter) Bardic.2006. 261p donor:S.B.Cox (H4c)
9767. Rudolf Steiner- His Life & Work (Gary Lachman) Floris. 2007. 278p. donor:S.B.Cox (H4a)
9768. Reflections-The Master Remember (E.Courtenay) Prince of Stars.2004. 167p. donor:S.B.Cox (H4b)
9769. Self Observation- Awakening Consciousness (R.Hawk) Hohm.2009. 149p. donor:S.B.Cox (H4c)
9770. Study of Man – 14 Lectures . (Rudolf Steiner) Steiner Press. 2004. 190p. donor:S.B.Cox (H4a)
9771. Discovering Gurdjieff (D.Phillpotts) Author House. 2008. 271p donor:S.B.Cox (H4c)
9772. Social & Political Science (Rudolf Steiner) Sophia. 2003. 214p. donor:S.B.Cox (H4a)
9773. An Outline of Esoteric Science (Rudolf Steiner) Anthroposophic. 1995. 435p donor:S.B.Cox (H4a)
9774. Views From the Real World- Early Talks (Gurdjieff) E.P.Dutton.1976.276p. donor:S.B.Cox (H4c)
9775. Madame Blavatsky- A Biography.(G.Lachman) Tarchert/Penquin.2012.341p. donor:S.B.Cox (H4b)
9776. On Nature,Technology & Modern Life (C.G.Jung) N.Atlantic. 2002. 232p. donor:S.B.Cox (H5b)
9777. Archetypes & The Collective Unconscious (C.G.Jung) Stellar. 2013. 451p. donor:S.B.Cox (H5b)
9778. Memories, Dreams, Reflections (C.G.Jung) Harper. 1995. 447p. donor:S.B.Cox (H5b)
9779. Jung The Mystic (G.Lachman) Tarcher. 2013. 258p. donor:S.B.Cox (H5b)
9780. A New Model of the Universe (P.D.Ouspensky) Martino. 2013. 454p. donor:S.B.Cox (H4c)
9781. Teachings of Gurdjieff- A Pupil’s Journal (C.S. Nott) Arkana. 1990. 230p. donor:S.B.Cox (H4c)
9782. The Enneagram (H.Power) Harper. 1988. 392p. donor:S.B.Cox (H4c)
9783. The Book of Revelation (Rudolf Steiner) Steiner Press 1998. 282p. donor:S.B.Cox (H4a)
9784. The Key To Theosophy (H.P.Blavatsky) Theosophical Press. 2002. 426p. donor:S.B.Cox (H4b)
9785. The Legacy of Pierre Teilhard de Chardin (ed.J.Salmon)Paulist. 2011. 177p. donor:S.B.Cox (H4d)
9786. Evolution,Genetics & Man (Tehodosius Dobzhansky) J.Wiley. 1967. 398p donor:S.B.Cox (H4d)
9787. Conscience- The Search For Truth (P.D.Ouspensky) Arkana. 1979. 159p donor:S.B.Cox (H4c)
9788. Fourth Way Teachings (R.Nottingham) Theosis. 2010. 257p. donor:S.B.Cox (H4c)
9789. The Enneagram inTeachings of Gurdjieff (R.J.Defouw) Dogrear.2011. 257p. donor:S.B.Cox (H4c)
9790. Gurdjieff A Beginner’s Guide (G.Friedman) Yara. 2003. 181p. donor:S.B.Cox (H4c)
9791. Studies in Occultism (H.P.Blavatsky) Sphere. 1974. 191p. donor:S.B.Cox (H4b)
9792. Gems From The East (H.P.Blavatsky) Grange. 2001. 126p. donor:S.B.Cox (H4b)
9793. Anthroposophy- A-Z (Henk van Oort) Sophia. 2011. 140p donor:S.B.Cox (H4a)
9794. Four Archetypes (C.G.Jung) Routledge. 1972. 173p donor:S.B.Cox (H5b)
9796. The Gurdjieff Work (K.R.Speeth) Tarcher. 1989. 125pages. donor:S.B.Cox (H4c)
9797. The Language of Symbols (D.Fontana). Duncan Baird. 1993. 320p donor:S.B.Cox (H5c)
9798. Biological Basis of Human Freedom (Dobzhansky) Columbia Univ.1958.125p donor:S.B.Cox (H4d)
9799. Ego and Archetype (Edward F. Edinger) Shambhala. 1992. 304pages. donor:S.B.Cox (H5c)
9800. Spirit of One Earth- Reflections on Teilhard (U.King) Paragon. 1989. 198p donor:S.B.Cox (H4d)
9801. Symbols & Hidden Meanings (T.A.Kenner) Sevenoaks. 2006. 160p. donor:S.B.Cox (H5c)
9802. Genetics of Evolutionary Process (Dobzhansky) Columbia Univ.1970.505p donor:S.B.Cox (H4d)
9803. Towards A New Mysticism-Teilhard/E.Religions (U.King).Collins.1980.380p. donor:S.B.Cox (H4d)
9804. Evolution (Dobzhansky/Valentine/Ayala/Stebbins) Freemam. 1977. 572p donor:S.B.Cox (H4d)
9805. The Vatican Hersey (R.Bauvall/C.Hohenzollern) Bear. 2014. 276p donor: S.B.Cox (B5b)
9806. Egypt’s Legacy (M.Rice) Routlege. 1997. 233pages. donor: S.B.Cox (H5c)
9807. Heredity & the Nature of Man (T.Dobzhansky) George Allen. 1974. 179p donor: S.B.Cox (H4d)
9808. The Wiltshire Village Book (M.Marshman) Countryside. 1987. 192p donor: S.B.Cox (F)
9809. The Renaissance in Rome (L.Partridge) Everyman. 1996. 184pages. donor: S.B.Cox (B6c)
9810. Civilisation of the Renaissance in Italy (J.Burkhart) Dover. 2010. 350p donor: S.B.Cox (B6c)
9811. Intuitive Thinking As A Spiritual Path (R.Steiner) Anthroposophic 1995.282p donor: S.B.Cox (H4a)
9812. Beelzebub’s Tales To His Grandchildren (Gurdjieff) Penquin. 1999. 1258p donor: S.B.Cox (H4c)
9813. Life is Only Real The Wren I Am (Gurdjieff) Arkana. 1978. 177p. donor: S.B.Cox (H4c)
9814. The Ascent of Man (E.C.Merry) Floris. 2008. 277p, donor: S.B.Cox (H4a)
9815. How To Read Buildings (C.D.Cragoe) Bloomsbury. 2012. 256p donor: S.B.Cox (B5b)
9816. Lost Symbols (N.Julien) Robinson. 2012. 508p donor: S.B.Cox (H5c)
9817. The Strange Life of P.D.Ouspensky (Colin Wilson) Aquarian. 1993. 143p donor: S.B.Cox (H4c)
9818. The Pagan Dream of the Renaissance (J.Godwin) Weiser. 2002. 292p. donor: S.B.Cox (B6c)
9819. British Moths & Butterflies Phot Guide (C.Manley) A&C Black. 2008. 352p. donor: S.B.Cox (G)
9820. Field Guide Bumblebees GB/Eire (M.Edwards/M.Jenner) Ocelli. 2005. 108p donor: S.B.Cox (G)
9821. Moles (R.Atkinson) Whittet. 2013. 138p donor: S.B.Cox (G)
9822. Complete Guide British Insects. (M.Chinnery) Collins. 2005. 385p. donor: S.B.Cox (G)
9823. The Be Garden (M.Little) Spring Hill. 2009. 267pages. donor: S.B.Cox (G)
9824, Complete FlowerGuide(Streeter/HartDavies/Hardcastle/Cole/Harper)Collins.’09704p. donor:SBC(G)
9825. Complete Fungi Guide GBEire (S.Buczacki/C.Shields/D.Ovenden). Collins.‘12. 640p. donor:SBC G)
9826. The Renaissance Complete (ed.M.Aston) T&H. 1996. 367p. donor: S.B.Cox (B6c)
9827. Painting & Experience 15th.C. Italy (M.Baxandall) Oxford.Univ. 1972. 181p donor: S.B.Cox (B6c)
9828. Pagan Mysteries in the Renaissance (E.Wind) Norton. 1958. 345p. donor: S.B.Cox (B6c)
9829. Classical Mythology in Renaissance Art (M.Bull) Penquin. 2005. 465p. donor: S.B.Cox (B6c)
9830. Alchemy & Mysticism (A.Roob) Taschen. 2014. 574p. donor: S.B.Cox (H5c)
9831. Jungian Archetypes (R.Roberston) Authrs Guild 2005. 304p. donor: S.B.Cox (H5c)
9832. Encyclopaedia Secrete Signs & Symbols (A.Nozedar) Harper. 2008. 558p donor: S.B.Cox (H5c)
9833. Knowledge of the Higher Worlds (Rudolf Steiner) Steiner Press. 2011. 179p. donor: S.B.Cox (H4a)
9834. Atlantis (Rudolf Steiner) Steiner Press. 2011. 106p. donor: S.B.Cox (H4a)
9834. Theosophy & The Theosophical Society (Annie Besant). 1912. 92p. donor: S.B.Cox (H4b)
9835. The Ocean of Theosophy (William Q. Judge) Wildside Press. 1915. 178p. donor: S.B.Cox (H4b)
9836. On Love & Psychological Exercises (A.R.Orage) Weiser. 1998. 124p. donor: S.B.Cox (H4c)
9837. Practical Work on Self (E.J.Gold) Gateway. 1992. 191p. donor: S.B.Cox (H4c
9838. Symbols of Power In Art (Paoli Rapelli) Getty. 2011. 382p. donor: S.B.Cox (H5c)
9839. Nature and Its Symbols (Lucia Impoelluso) Getty. 2003. 383p. donor: S.B.Cox (H5c)
9840. Astrology,Magic & Alchemy in Art (Matilde Battistini) Getty. 2007. 384p. donor: S.B.Cox (H5c)
9841. Signs & Symbols Illust.Guide Origins & Meanings D.K.Press. 2008. 352p donor: S.B.Cox (H5c)
9841. The Survival Imperative (William E. Burroughs) Forge. 2006. 317p. donor: S.B.Cox (S)
9842. Greeenhouse Gardening (Macself & Turner) Collingridge. 1982. 288p donor: S.B.Cox (G)
9843. The Amateurs Greenhouse (Macself/Warren) Collingridge. 335p.1974. donor: S.B.Cox (G)
9844. A More Beautiful City-R. Hooke Rebuilding London (M.Cooper).Sutton.’03.272p donor: SBC (B5a)
___________________End of Update 95= 119 erntries-________________
Update #94: 113 Items added period ending 18 December 2013.
9632. The Book of Hiram (C.Knight/R.Lomas|) Arrow. 2004. 689pages donor:SBCox (B1/10)
9633. The Hiram Key(C.Knight/R.Lomas|) Arrow. 1997. 496pages donor:SBCox (B1/10)
9634. Isaac Newtons Freemasonry (A.Bauer) Inner Traditions. 2007. 146p donor:SBCox (B5a)
9635. Brunelleschi’s Dome (R.Kings) Vintage. 2008. 184pages. donor:SBCox (B5b)
9636. The Secrets of Rosslyn (R.Martine) Birlinn. 2009. 200pages donor:SBCox (B5b)
9637. Renaissance Art & Architecture (G.Campbell) Oxzford. 2004. 278pages. donor:SBCox (B6b)
9638. April Blood-The Pazzi Conspiracy (L.Martinez) Pimlico. 2004. 302pages. donor:SBCox (B6a)
9639. Magnifico- Lorenzo d Medici (M.J.Unger) Simon & Schuster2008. 513p. donor:SBCox (B6a)
9640. Signatura Rerum (Jacob Boehme) Parchment. 2011. 233. donor:SBCox (B4a)
9641. Corpus Hermeticum (trans.G.R.S.Mead) 2008. 122pages. donor:SBCox (B2b)
9642. The Arcana of Freemasonry (A.Churchward) Dover. 2008. 220pages. donor:SBCox (B18)
9643. The Symbolism of Freemasonry (A.G.Mackey) Amazon. 300pages. donor:SBCox (B18)
9644. Sacred Geometry & Sacred Symbolism (D.B.Carroll)4thDimension.2013.230pdonor: SBCox (B1b11)
9645. Matrix of Creation-Geometry & Planets (R.Heath) Inner Traditions.2002. 148p SBCox (B1b11)
9646. Chartres-Sacred Geometry/Sacred Space (G.Strachan) Floris.2003. 110pages. SBCox (B5b)
9647. Robert Hooke & the English Renaissance (P.Kent/A.Chapman) Gracewing.2005.191p SBCox (B5a)
9648. Jacob Boehme (ed.R.Waterfield) N.Atlantic. 2001. 229pages SBCox (B4a)
9649. Financial Vipers of Venice (J.P.Farrell).Feral House. 2010. 233pages. SBCox (B6a)
9650. Medici Money (T.Parks) Profile Books. 2006. 273pages. SBCox (B6a)
9651. The Rosicrucians (C.McIntosh) Crucible. 1986. 160pages. SBCox (B2c)
9652. The Rosicrucian Manuscripts (B.J.Williamson) Invisible College. 2002. 246pages SBCox (B2c)
9653. Invisible History of the Rosicrucians ()T.Churton) Inner Traditions. 2009. 561pages. SBCox (B2c)
9654. Hermetics/Alchemical Writings of Paracelsus. NuVision. 2007. 111pages SBCox (B2b)
9655. Isaac Newton Adventurer in Thought (A.R.Hall) Cambridge Univ. 1992. 468pages. SBCox (B5a)
9656. The Golden Builders (T.Churton) Weiser. 2005. 250pages. SBCox (B2c)
9657. The Invisible-True History of Rosicrucians (T.Churton) Lewis. 2009. 444pages SBCox (B2c)
9658. Leonardo- The First Scientist (M.White) Little/Brown. 2000. 370pages SBCox (B6b)
9659. The Lost Battles:Leonardo/Michaelangelo feud.(J.Jones) SimonSchusters.2010. 370p SBCox (B6b)
9660. The Da Vinci Notebooks (Da Vinci) Profile. 2005. 218pages. SBCox (B6b)
9661. Death In Florence: Medici v. Savonarola (P.Strathern) Vintage. 2012. 444pages. SBCox (B6a) 9662. Theosophical Glossary (H.P.Blavatsky) Amazon reprint. 1892. 389pages. SBCox (H2a)
9663. Cracking The Symbol Code (T.Wallace-Murphy) Watkins. 2005. 309pages. SBCox (B5b)
9664. The Men Who Made Modern London (L.Hollis) Phoenix. 2008. 390pages SBCox (B5a)
9665. The Secret Language of the Renaissance (R.Stemp) DPB. 2006. 223pages. SBCox (B5b)
9666. The Rosicrucians (C.McIntosh) Weiser. 1998. 162pages. SBCox (B2c)
9667. The Magus of Freemasonry (Elias Ashmole) Inner Traditions. 2006. 303pages. SBCox (B5a)
9668. The Hermetic Traditions (Julius Evola) Inner Traditions. 1995. 220pages. SBCox (B2b)
9669. Invention of the Degrees of Masonry (A.Mackey) Conerstone. 2013. 113pages. SBCox (B1b8)
9670. The Mercurial Emperor- Rudolf II magic circle (P.Marshall) Pimlico.2007. 276pages. SBCox (B6a)
9671. The Secret Stream-Steiner on Roscicrucian(R. Steiner)Anthroposophic.2000.264p. SBCox (H2a)
9672. The Templar Meridians- Mapping Americas (W.F.Mann) Destiny 2006. 325p SBCox (B5b)
9673. Bernini (H.Hibbard) Penquin. 1995. 265pages. SBCox (B5b)
9674. The Architecture of the Italian Renaissance (P.Murray) T&H. 1969. 262pages. SBCox (B5b)
9675. Sacred Number & Origin of Civilisation (R.Heath) Inner Traditions. 2007. 248p. SBCox (B1b11)
9676. The Theology of Arithmetic (transl.R.Waterfield) Phanes. 130pages SBCox (B1b11)
9677. The Montefeltro Conspiracy (M.Simonetta) Doubleday. 2008. 251pages. SBCox (B6a)
9678. The Freemasons Key- Masonic Symbolism (ed.M.R.Poll) Cornerstone.2011.234p. SBCox (B1b8)
9679. An Introduction to Anthroposophy (F.Edmunds) Sophia. 2005. 189pages. SBCox (H2a)
9680. Clockwork Universe- Royal Soc. & Modern World(E.Dolnick) Harper. 2011. 378p SBCox (B5a)
9681. Meditations on Masonic Symbolism (J.R.Heisner Ame LLc. 2013. 205pages SBCox (B1b8)
9682. The Burning Bush- Anthroposophy&Bibl (E.R.Smith). Anthrop. 2001. 786p. donor:S.B.Cox (H4a)
9683. The Karma of Anthroposophy (Rudolf Steiner) R.S.Press. 2009. 182pages. donor:S.B.Cox (H4a)
9684. The Architecture of Michelangelo (J.S.Ackerman) Univ.Chicago.1986.363p. donor:S.B.Cox (B6b)
9685. Da Vinci’s Ghost (T.Lester) Profile. 2011. 277pages. donor:S.B.Cox (B6b)
9686. The Music of the Spheres (J.James) Ababcus. 1993. 262pages donor:S.B.Cox (B1b11)
9687. Harmonies of Heaven & Earth (J.Godwin) Inner Traditions. 1997. 200p donor:S.B.Cox (B1b11)
9688. Dimensions of Paradise (J.Michell) Inner Traditions. 2008. 252pages. donor:S.B.Cox (B1b11)
9689. The Rosicrucian Manual 1920. 131pages. donor:S.B.Cox (B2c)
9690. The Hidden Life In Freemasonry (C.W.Leadbeater) Cornerstone. 2007. 187p. donor:S.B.Cox (B1b)
9691. 33 Degrees of Deception (T.C.McKenney) Bridge Logos. 2011. 443pages donor:S.B.Cox (B1b)
9692. The Secret Doctrine Vol1 (H.P.Blavatsky) Theosophical Press 1977. 676p. donor:S.B.Cox (H4b) 9693. The Philosophers Stone (P.Marshall)Macmillian. 2001. 545pages donor:S.B.Cox (B2a)
9694. Relating to Rudolf Steiner (S.O.Prokofieff) Temple Lodge. 2008. 137pages donor:S.B.Cox (H4a)
9695. Berskshire Folk Tales (D.England/T.Bilbe) History Press. 2013. 191pages. donor:S.B.Cox (F)
9696. Robin Hood: Unknown Templar (J.P.Davis) Peter Own. 2009. 275pages. donor:S.B.Cox (F)
9697. Folklore/Customs Rural England (M.Baker) David & Charles. 1974. 202pages. donor:S.B.Cox (F)
9698. Tke Knights Templar (S.Martin) pocket. 2009. 174pages. donor:S.B.Cox (B1a)
9699. The Knights Templar In Britain (E.Lord) Pearson. 2004. 348pages. donor:S.B.Cox (B1a)
9700. Wiltshire Folklore & Legends (R.Whitlock) Robert Hale. 1992. 169pages. donor:S.B.Cox (F)
9701. Turning The Templar Key (R.Lomas) Lewsi Masoinic. 2007. 383pages donor:S.B.Cox (B1b)
9702. The Templars & The Grail (K.Ralls) Quest. 2003. 261pages. donor:S.B.Cox (B1a)
9703. The Knights Templars in the New World (W.E.Mann) Destiny. 2004. 295page donor:S.B.Cox (B1a) 9704. The Masonic Magician (P.Faulks/R.L.D.Cooper) Watkins. 2008. 317pages. donor:S.B.Cox (B1b)
9705. History of the Knights Templars (C.G.Addison) Cosimo. 2007. 395pages donor:S.B.Cox (B1a)
9706. The Templars (P.P.Read) Phoenix. 2001. 350pages donor:S.B.Cox (B1a)
9708. The Templars-History & Myth (M.Haag) Profile. 2011. 383pages. donor:S.B.Cox (B1a)
9709. Knights Templar Encyclopaedia (K.Ralls) New Age. 2007. 301pages. donor:S.B.Cox (B1a)
9710. The Kinghts Templar Absolution (A.A.Grishin) K.T.Vault. 2013. 160pages donor:S.B.Cox (B1a)
9711. The Pirates & Lost Templar Fleet (D.H.Childress) AUP. 2003. 277pages. donor:S.B.Cox (B1a)
9712. Sworn in Secret (S.Holst) Santorini Press. 2012, 378pages. donor:S.B.Cox (B1b)
9713. Cracking The Freemasons Code (R.L.D.Cooper) Rider. 2006. 240pages. donor:S.B.Cox (B1b)
9714. Leonaredo Da Vinci- The Complete Works (C.Pendretti).D&C. 2012. 639p. donor:S.B.Cox (B6b)
9715. Universe of Stone: Chartes & Invention of Gothic (P.Ball) Harper.2008. 326p. donor:S.B.Cox (B5b)
9716. Scheduling The Heavens- E.Halley (M.A.Fox) Morgan Reynolds. 2007.128p. donor:S.B.Cox (B5a)
9717. Mysterious Gloucestershire (Mark Turner) History Press. 2011. 159pages. donor: S.B.Cox (F)
9718. Dictionary of British Folk Customs (Christine Hole). Helicon. 1976. 349pages. donor: S.B.Cox (F)
9719. Somerset Folk Tales (Sharon Jacksties) History Press. 2012. 192pages. donor: S.B.Cox (F)
9720. Cotswold Dialect & Folk Phrases (A.Sutton ed) Amberley. 2008. 125pages. donor: S.B.Cox (F)
9721. Penquin Book of English Folksongs (S.Roud/J.Bishop) Penquin. 2012. 542 . donor: S.B.Cox (F)
9722. Dorset Calendar Customs (R.J.Newland) CFZ. 2007. 247pages. donor: S.B.Cox (F)
9723. Tree Wisdom (J.M.Paterson) Thorson. 1996. 356pages. donor: S.B.Cox (F)
9724. The English Year (Steve Roud) Penquin. 2006. 644pages. donor: S.B.Cox (F) 9725. Albion- Guide To Legendary Britain (J.Westwood) Granada. 1985. 448pages. donor: S.B.Cox (F) 9726. Lore of the Land-England Legends J.Westwood/J.Simspon).Penquin. 2005.918p donor: S.B.Cox(F)
9727. Folklore of Plants (M.Baker). Shire. 2013. 168pages. donor: S.B.Cox (F)
9728. Legends of Somerset (Sally Jones) Bossiney. 1984. 11pages. donor: S.B.Cox (F)
9729. Tales of Old Wiltshire (Cecilia Millison) Countryside. 2004. 96pages donor: S.B.Cox (F)
9730. Yesterdays Country Customs (H.Buckton) History Press. 2012. 191pages. donor: S.B.Cox (F)
9731. Wiltshire Folk Tales (K.Hartsiotis) History Press. 2011. 192pages. donor: S.B.Cox (F)
9713. Moonrakings- Wiltshire Stories (E.Oliver/M.Edwards). W.I. 1979. 100pages. donor: S.B.Cox (F)
9714. Folklore of Oxfordshire (C.Bloxham) Tempus. 2005. 192pages. donor: S.B.Cox (F)
9715. Mummers,Maypoles,Milkmaids-English Ritual Yr (S.Hannant)Merrell.2011.158p donor:S.B.Cox (F)
9716. A Chronicle of Folk Customs (Brian Day) Hamlyn. 1998. 192pages. donor:S.B.Cox (F) 9717. Rustic Speech & Folklore (E.M.Wright) Forgotten Books. 1913(2012) 341pages donor:S.B.Cox (F)
9718. Red Sky At Night - Lost Country Wisdom (J.Struthers) Ebury. 2009. 288pages donor:S.B.Cox (F)
9719. The English Folk-Play (E.K.Chambers) Oxford. 1933. 258pages. donor:S.B.Cox (F)
9720. The Adventure of English (Melvyn Bragg) Sceptre. 2003. 254pages. donor:S.B.Cox (F) 9721. A Load of Old Bristle (D.Robinson & V.Wiltshire) Countryside. 2009. 64pages donor:S.B.Cox (F)
9722. Dont Tell I Tell Ee – Somerset Dialect (R.Evans) Countryside. 2006. 96 pages donor:S.B.Cox (F) 9723. A Bit of A Rumble- Dorset Dialect (A.Chedzoy) Countrysode. 2003. 96pages. donor:S.B.Cox (F) 9724. Hampshire Folk Tales (M.O’Leary) History Press. 2011. 189pages donor:S.B.Cox (F)
9725. Gloucestershire Folk Tales (A.Nanson) History Press. 2012. 192pages. donor:S.B.Cox (F)
9726. Dorset Folk Tales (T.Laycock) History Press. 2012. 192pages. donor:S.B.Cox (F)
______________end of Update #94______________
Update #93: 112 Items added period ending 04 November 2013.
9516 The Quest For Hermes Trismegistus (Gary Lachman) 248pages. Floris. 2011 donor:Floris (B2b)
9517 Elizabethan England (Alison Plowden) 320pages. Readers Digest.1982. donor:SBCox (D7)
9518. Capt.Cook & S.Pacific (Oliver Warner) 153pages.Cassell. 1963. donor:SBCox (D7)
9519 Tower Of London in History of Nation (A.L.Rowse) 280pages.BookClub.1972. donor:SBCox. (D7)
9520 The Monmouth Rebellion (Bryan Little) 268pages.WernerLaurie.1956. donor:SBCox (D7)
9521 Freedom In Arms- Leveller Writings (ed.A.L.Morton) 354pages.Wishart.1974. donor:SBCox. (D7)
9522 Roman Britain (Keith Brannigan) 320pages.Readers Digest.1980. donor:SBCox. (D7)
9523 The Emperor Alexander II (E.M.Almedingen) 367pages.Bodley Head.1962. donor:S.B.Cox (D13)
9524 Napoleon:The Last Phase (Lord Roseberry) 261p. A.LHumphreys.1900. donor:SBCox (D11)
9525 A History of Rome (J.L.Myers) 627pages. Rivingtons.1902. donor:S.B.Cox (D1b)
9526 Freemasonry Long Lost Secrets/RennesLeChateau (Patrick Byrne) 247p.1997.don:D.Watts (B1a)
9527 Victorian Cottages (Andrew Clayton-Payne) 160p.1993. Wiedenfield/Nicholson donor:SBC (N)
9528 Oceans-Hidden Environment (Keith Critchlow) 192p. 1972.George Phillip. donor:SB Cox (S7)
9529 Legacy of the Bolshevik Revolution(ed.Eddie Abrahams) 142p.1992 donor:Daniel Bray (Db3)
9530 Investigate World History Paragon. 2000. 255pages. donor: Daniel Bray (D2)
9531 Meteorology Demystified (Stan Gibilisco) McGrawHill 2006. 324pages. donor: Daniel Bray (S2)
9532 Illustrated History of Britain (Martyn Bennett) WHSmith. 1991.336pages. donor:Dan Bray (D7)
9533 Black Holes (John Taylor) Fontana/Collins.1973. 190pages. onor: S.B.Cox (S2b)
9534 Encyclopaedia of Unsolved Mysteries (Colin/Damon Wilson) Robinson.2000.662p SBCox (V1)
9535 Bits of History You Missed (Justin Pollard) MacKay.2007. 267pages. donor:Daniel Bray (D2)
9536. Louis & Antionette (Vincent Cronin) 1974. Collin. 445pages. donor: Betty J. Cherrington (D11)
9537. Catherine The Great (Z. Oldenbourg) 1967. Reprint Soc. 311p. donor:Betty J.Cherrington( (D13)
9538. World Mythology (Roy Willis ed) 1993. BCA. 320pages. donor: Betty J. Cherrington (C8)
9539. How To Restore & Repair (Lorraine Johnson) 1984. Mermaid. 192p donor: B. J. Cherrington (G7)
9540. Newton & The Scientific Renaissance (P.Aughton) W&N. 2003. 216pages. donor:S.B.Cox (B5a)
9541. The Medici: Godfathers of Renaissance (P.Strathern) Vintage. 2007. 431p donor:S.B.Cox (B4a)
9542. Boyle:Between God & Science (M.Hunter) Yale. 2009. 367pages donor:S.B.Cox (B5a)
9543. Artistic Theory in Italey 1450-1600 (A.Blunt) Oxford. 1962. 170pages donor:S.B.Cox (B4a)
9544. Hermetica-Lost Wisdom Pharaohs (T.Freke/P.Gandy).Tarcher.1999.145p. donor:S.B.Cox (B2a)
9545. His Invention So Fertile- Wren’s Life (A.Tinniswood) Pimlico. 2002. 473p. donor:S.B.Cox (B5a)
9546. Isaac Newton- The Last Sorcerer (M.White) Fourth Estate. 1998. 403p. donor:S.B.Cox (B5a)
9547. The Invisible College (Robert Lomas) Corgi. 2003. 494pages donor:S.B.Cox (B5a)
9548. The Curious Life of Robert Hooke (L.Jardine) Harper. 2003. 438pages. donor:S.B.Cox (B5a) 9549. Mysteries of the Rose Cross. Forgotten Books.2013. 134pages. donor:S.B.Cox (B2c) 9550. The Real History of the Rosicrucians (A.E.White). Forgotten. 2013. 446p. donor:S.B.Cox (B2c)
9551. Rise & Fall of House of Medici (C.Hibbert) Penquin. 1979. 368pages. donor:S.B.Cox (B6)
9552. Sacred Geometry (N.Pennick) Turnstone. 1980. 160pages. donor:S.B.Cox (B1b11)
9553. Arcane Doctrine of Alchemy (S.K.De Rola) T&H.. 1973. 128pages. donor:S.B.Cox (B2a)
9554. Secret Architecture of Washington (D.Ovason) Harper. 1999. 516pages. donor:S.B.Cox (B5ab
9555. Giovanni Pico della Mirandola (G.F.Pico/T.More) Benediction.. 2008. 95p. donor:S.B.Cox (B4a)
9556. Oration on the Dignity of man (Mirandola) Gateway. 1956. 72pages. donor:S.B.Cox (B4a)
9557. Rise,Fall,Survival of Templars (S.Holst) Santorini.. 2013. 235pages. donor:S.B.Cox (B1a)
9558. Haptaplus- 7 Days of Creation (Pico Mirandola). Thrift. 1977. 128pages donor:S.B.Cox (B4a)
9559. Marsilio Ficino astrological writings (ed.A.Voss) N.Atlantic. 2006. 254p. donor:S.B.Cox (Ba)
9560. Indoor Gardening (ed.Annie Halpin) 1980. Rodale. 902pages., donor: Betty J. Cherrington (G)
9561. Horse in Art & History (ed. M.Seth-Smith) 128p.New Engl.Lib..1978 donor:B.J. Cherrington (D2)
9562. History of Painting (D’Espezel & Focsa) Oldbourne. 240. 1961. donor: Betty J. Cherrington (D2)
9563. Private View (Roberston/Russell/Snowdon) Nelson. 298p. 1965. donor: Betty J. Cherrington (N)
9564. Art Appreciated Made Simple (J.P.Sedgewick Jnr.) Doubleday.224p.. donor: B. J. Cherrington (N)
9565. The Visual Experience (Bates Lowry) Prentice Hall.1961. 270p. donor: Betty J. Cherrington (N)
9566 Sculpture of Ancient Egypt (Acanthus series) Oldbourne.1960. 80p. donor: Betty J. Cherrington (N)
9567. Encyclopaedia World Art (Jay Jacobs) Crown.1975. 324pages. .onor: Betty J. Cherrington (N)
9568. Peter Carl Fabergé (H.C.Banbridge) Spring.1949. 165pages. donor: Betty J. Cherrington (N)
9569. The Art of Rembrandt (Douglas Mannering) WHSmith..1981.80p donor: Betty J. Cherrington (N)
9570. Civilisation (Kenneth Clark) BBC/John Murray. 1969. 359pages. donor: Betty J. Cherrington (N)
9571. Hermitage:Gothic & Renaissance Tapestries, Hamlyn 1965.230p. donor: Betty J. Cherrington (N)
9572. Degas (Phoebe Pool) Spring. 1963. 92p.illustr. donor: Betty J. Cherrington (N)
9573. George Innes (Elizabth McCausland) A.A.G. 1946. 87pages. donor: Betty J. Cherrington (N)
9574. Salvador Dali (Tate Gallery) 1980. 128pages. illustr. donor: Betty J. Cherrington (N)
9575. The Modern Age (H.G.Evers) Methuen . 1967. 270pages. donor: Betty J. Cherrington (N)
9576. Golden Age Spanish Painting (R.A.A.) 1976. 116pages donor: Betty J. Cherrington (N)
9577. Chronicle of the Cinema (ed.,Robyn Karney) DK . 1997. 941pages. donor: Betty J. Cherrington (N)
9578. Which book of Do It Yourself. Hodder Stoughton.. 1981. 319p. donor: B.J. Cherrington (G).
9579. Fashion Drawing (Eliot Hodgkin) Chapman & Hall. 1932. 115pages. donor: Betty J. Cherrington (G)
9580. Prints & Patterns (Idalia B. Littlejohns) Pitman. 1929. 90pages donor: Betty J. Cherrington (G)
9581. Simple Basketry (Mabel Roffey) Pitman. 1948. 91pages. donor: Betty J. Cherrington (G)
9582. Origami (Robert Harbin) Coronet. 1968. 186pages. donor: Betty J. Cherrington (G)
9583. How To Win Friends/Influence People. (D.Carnegie) Cedar 1953.247p. donor:B.J.Cherrington (P5)
9584. How To Enjoy Life & Job (Dale Carnegie). Cedar. 1989. 207p. donor: Betty J. Cherrington (P5)
9585. The Power of Positive Thinking (Norman V.Peale) Cedar.1953. 301p. donor: B. J. Cherrington (P5)
9586. Raw Energy (L.& S.Kenton) Guild. 1984. 288pages. donor: Betty J. Cherrington (P6)
9587. Brewers Myth & Legend (ed.J.C.Cooper) B.C.A. 1992. 309pages. donor: Betty J. Cherrington (I)
9588. Rome-Day One (Andrea Carandini). Princeton Univ. 2007. 172p . donor: Princeton Univ (D1b)
9589. The Grandeur That Was Rome (J.C.Stobart) Book Club. 1964. 322pages. donor: S.B.Cox (D1b)
9590.Complete Manual; Fitness/Wellbeing. Macdonald. 1984. 312pages. donor: Betty J. Cherrington (P6)
9591. Philips New World Atlas. Guild Publishing. 1986. 272pages. donor: Betty J. Cherrington (Q)
9592. The Paston Letters (ed.Norman Davis) Oxford. 1963. 288pages. donor:S.B.Cox (D7)
9593. Mountbatten (Philip Ziegler) Book Club. 1985. 786.pages donor: S.,B.Cox. (D7)
9594. Trafalgar- The Nelson Touch (David Howth) World Books.1970. 256 . donor: S.,B.Cox. (D7)
9595.The Great Hunger (Cecil.Woodham-Smith) NEL 1962. 429pages donor: S.,B.Cox. (D7c)
9596. Miltant Suffragettes (Antonia Raeburn) NEL.. 1973. 284pages. donor: S.,B.Cox. (H6)
9597. The British Labour Movement (A.L.Morton/G.Tate) L&W. 1973. 314p. donor: S.,B.Cox. (H7)
9598. Tiberius (Ernest Mason) Panther.1960. 123pages. donor: S.,B.Cox. (D1b)
9599. Soviet Marxism (Herbert Marcuse) Pelican. 1958. 21pages. donor: S.,B.Cox. (H7)
9600. Serbia Since 1989 (ed Ramet/Pavlokovic) UWP. 2006. 446p. donor: Univ.Washington Press (K1c)
9601. Rose Cross & Age of Reason (C.McIntoshh). 2011. 210p. donor: State Univ.New YorkPress (B2c)
9602. Ancient Iraq Civilisations (B.R.&K.P.Foster) Princeton. 2009. 297p. donor:Princeton Univ. (D1c2)
9602. The Last Pharaohs- Ptolomies (J.G.Manning) 2010. 264pages. donor: Princeton univ.Press (D1c)
9603. Complete Sun Sign Book (B. Fitzwalter) Aquarian. 1987. 511p. donor:B.J.Cherrington (J13)
9604. History of Astronomy (C.A.Reichen) L.A.L. 1964. 212pages. donor:S.B.Cox (S2b)
9605. History of Rockets & Space (C.Canby) L.A.L. 1964. 212pages donor: S.B.Cox (S2b)
9606. Monuments of Civilization-Egypt (C.Barocas) ReadersDigest. 1972 188p donor:S.B.Cox (D1c2)
9607. The End of The West (David Marquand) Princeton Univ Press. 2011. 204p . donor:Princeton (K1a)
9608. Medieval People (Eileen Power) Univ.Paperbacks.. 1924. 210pages. donor: S.B.Cox (D5)
9609. An Essay on Liberation (Herbert Marcuse) Pelican. 1969. 93pages. donor:S.B.Cox (H2)
9610. Founding Gods/Inventing Nations Antiquity to Islam Princeton. 2012. 179p. donor: Princeton (C8)
9611. Life & Times of Nikita Kruschev (R.Macgregor Hastie) Panther. 1959. 158p. donor: S.B.Cox (D6)
9612. Basic Christianity (John R.W.Stott) IVF. 1967. 144pages. donor: S.B.Cox (H1)
9613. Krishnamurti: The Impossible Question Penguin. 1972. 201pages. donor: S.B.Cox (H1)
9614. Selected Essays & Articles John Berger Pelican. 1972. 250pages. donor: S.B.Cox (H1)
9615. Reminiscences Cuban Revolutionary War: Che Guevara. Pelican.1968.272p. donor:SBCox (H1)
9616. Are The Russians Ten Feet Tall? (W.Kewller) Thames&Hudson. 1961. 420p. donor:SBCox (D13)
9617. The Ragged Trousered Philanthropist (R.Tressell) Granada. 1965. 587. donor:SBCox (H6)
9618. Cromwell (Arthur Bates). Sphere. 1970. 142pages. donor:SBCox (D7)
9619. Alchemy & Mysticism (Alexander Roob) Taschen. 2011. 575pages. donor:SBCox (B2a)
9620. The Hiram Key Revisited (C.Knighgt & A. Butler). Watkins. 2010 306pages. donor:SBCox (B1/10)
9621. The Templar Revelation (L.Pickett/C.Prince). Touchstone. 1997. 432p. donor:SBCox (B1a)
9622. Pythagoras:His Lives & Legacy (K.Ferguson) Icon. 2008. 366p donor:SBCox (B3a)
9623. Signature of the Celestial Spheres (H.Warm) Sophia. 2010. 390pages donor:SBCox (B3a)
9624. Rudolf Steiner (R.Wilkinson) Temple Lodge 2001. 247pages. donor:SBCox (H2a/b)
9225. Alchemy-The Great Work (C.Gilchrist) Aquarian. 1984. 160pages. donor:SBCox (B2a)
9626. Rise of Alchemy 14th.C England (J.Hughes) Contiuum. 2012. 270pages. donor:SBCox (B2a)
9627. Alchemy (Titus Buckhart) Fons Vitae. 1997. 206pages donor:SBCox (B2a)
9628. Individual & Cosmos in the Renaissance (ER.Cassirer) Dover. 2000. 199p donor:SBCox (B4a)
9629. Eighteenth C.Pastel Portraits (V.& L. Adair) Gifford. 1971. 203pages donor:P.B.J.Cox (G1)
9630. Quadrivium-Number/Geometry/Music/Cosmology.Wooden.2010.410p donor:SBCox (B3a)
9631. The Geometry of Art and Life (M.Ghyka) Dover. 1977. 174pages donor:SBCox (B3a)
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