This news page is being updated again, as of March 2014.
. 1. The collation of the The Art Works is one of several major undertakings regarding the several collections pertaining to his life works in various media (art, writings etc), as they have never been fully documented. The first stage of the collation, location and listing of the Art Works is now complete as at 01.November. This first stage (Phase 1) comprises 47 works from various periods across the 1977-1985 years of his work.
Phase Two and Three (items numbers 48-60) have now also been collated. (as at February 2011)
The completion of the documenting/listing and location of all the other works will take several months at least. (see below).
2. All of his Books/Theses have now been collated..
3. The first meeting of the The Board of Trustees of the Stephen Cox Garden Trust was in August 2017.
4. Conservation & Restoration Since the move to Wiltshire the process of restoration and conservation has increased of several art works in now proceeding commencing in spring 2012. Inappropriate storage over the years since art creating activity ceased has resulted in some superficial damage. A programme of restoration and repair is underway which will take many months or a couple of years or more, and in time will be an ongoing project of assessment & maintenance by The Trust.
5.Art Works Collation Phase 2: This has also been re-developed as of spring 2012.This phase commences with items 48-54 which are:
Four Seasons Nr. 2 (1981/2 24” x24”x1½”).
Four Seasons Nr. 3 (1982 27” x27”x2½”)
Blue Winter (1983. 24” x 24”)
Four Seasons White Time- Silbury (1985 26½” x 26½” )
Four Seasons White Time- West Kennet (1985 26½” x 26½”)
Winter Mass (1983. 30" x 30")
Seasonal Take Out Summer (1982. 30" x 30")
In Phase 2, so far, are 7 (above) canvases and/or reliefs located and collated. There are another 3
awaiting collation.
New Provenances are also being cteated for each work.
6. Spiritual Writings: As of December 2010 this is proceeduing in two activities:
a) Collation of past spiritual writings.
b) New writings and/or rewriting and extension of past notes.
The current works under development are:
i) Spiritual Life- An Approach
ii) The Journey Home (Belgium & Netherlands lecture)
The next works planned are:
iii) Life as The Temple of Columns
iv) Sacraments of the Day
v) Garden of the Spirits
vi) Terran Homoeostasis
vii) Sacred Landscape- Spiritual Journey
viii) The Spirituality of Water
It is anticipated that in due course these writings (and all other new writings) will be published and also be available as lectures by the Founder
7. Exhibition Catalogues: In February 2011, collation of the catalogues of his (mainly) one man exhibitions began. So far 14 catalogues have been located/archived and listed. Later a full list of his Exhibitions will be published on this page.
8. Book Reviews: for the Library and Trust Journal is relaunching during 2013.
9. Library: all items in the library had to be rehoused and inventoried in 2012. This is now almost complete and new subject dividers created.